Monday, November 30, 2009

A walk down Orchard Rd. Snapping away the Xmas lightings!

It was raining when Baby LJY and I left the house.... so we took a cab down to meet Ling and Law....

We met at Plaza Sing and started our walk down Orchard Road.... (of course after our stomach is filled... hahaha!)

That's the huge LCD outside the building...


Law and Baby LJY have this common liking for the star below.... omg.... Not nice loh.... But they say cause it looks like their fav Carl's Junior... haha!


And this was somewhere hanging on the ceiling lah....

That's me!!!
Snapping away the Xmas ball...



Walked further down towards Heeren...

And Law was squatting down at the side of the pathway taking pictures of people's feet walking pass....

And I? Was trying hard to snap this stupid, irritating, fat and scary-looking Santa which is turning round and round.... damnit....


Guess where we took the below???

At the Heeren!!



We then walked to Taka to take the freaking HUGE LV Case!! OMG!

And this is my wallet... wahahhah!!
(I heard you screaming... wtf??!)


Baby LJY snapped the moon.....(his beautiful artwork....)


On the pathway outside Wistma and Taka.... there are many glass designs.... so beautiful... especially with the lightings!!


Ling wanted to take the giant bird cage.... (which i've no freakin idea why it is linked to Xmas....) So we went inside Wistma to snap some pics!


We walked into Ion and sat down at BK for a drink.....

And I got two shocks of my life.....!

#1: I paid a whooping $2.40 for a medium coke.... And the medium size cup is like equal size to a can lo! Like so freaking small!!!! *&^$#$%&**^%$^&)(&^%#%$^&*()(*&^%$##$%^&**&^%$$%^&*!!!

#2: And we saw his screen below.... omg... Law says it's like probably a ipod player or something... so freaking cool lo!!!

That is their new own camera.... Which by the way, Baby and I both wish we own one too lo..... (Who who WHO CAN HEAR US???!!)

In case if you are wondering what the hack is that..... it is BK's ceiling lights....


Outside Wheelock place... we started snapping pictures of ION just opposite.

Oh! By the way.... Blue balls.....

Baby LJY and I both took the bus back home......

And no we were not calling it a night yet!!! We were going home to drive the car out to K!! Wahahhahahaha!!! FUN FUN!!